#5618- Pretty in Pink Monos - ABCD
#5617- Pretty in Pink Monos - EFGH
#5616- Pretty in Pink Monos - IJKL
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#5615- Pretty in Pink Monos - MNOP
#5614- Pretty in Pink Monos - QRST
#5613- Pretty in Pink Monos - UVWXYZ
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#5532- Bullion Rose Monogram
#5275- Christmas Hat Monograms
#5144- Floral Frames and Monograms
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#5100- Swirly Monograms
#5013- St Patricks Day Alpha Lower Case Full Set
#5012- St.Patricks Day Alpha ABC - Lower Case
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#5011- St.Patricks Day Alpha DEF - Lower Case
#5010- St.Patricks Day Alpha GHI - Lower Case
#5009- St.Patricks Day Alpha JKL - Lower Case
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#5008- St.Patricks Day Alpha MNO - Lower Case
#5007- St.Patricks Day Alpha PQR - Lower Case
#5006- St.Patricks Day Alpha STU - Lower Case
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#5005- St.Patricks Day Alpha VWX - Lower Case
#5004- St.Patricks Day Alpha YZ - Lower Case
#5003- St. Patricks Day Alphabet - Upper Case
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#4985- Funky Glitter Numbers 1 and 2
#4984- Funky Glitter Numbers 3 and 4
#4983- Funky Glitter Numbers 5 and 6
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#4982- Funky Glitter Numbers 7 and 8
#4981- Funky Glitter Numbers 9 and 0
#4978- Berry Alphabet - Lower Case
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#4977- Funky Glitter Monograms
#4974- Marine Monograms
#4945- Tropicana Monograms ALL
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#4944- Tropicana Monograms ABC
#4943- Tropicana Monograms DEF
#4942- Tropicana Monograms GHI
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#4941- Tropicana Monograms JKL
#4940- Tropicana Monograms MNO
#4939- Tropicana Monograms PQR
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#4938- Tropicana Monograms STU
#4937- Tropicana Monograms VWX
#4936- Tropicana Monograms YZ
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#4890- Wire Monograms
#4848- Redwork Alphabet_ABC
#4847- Redwork Alphabet_DEF
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#4846- Redwork Alphabet_GHI
#4845- Redwork Alphabet_JKL
#4844- Redwork Alphabet_MNO
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#4843- Redwork Alphabet_PQR
#4812- Kaleidoscope Monograms
#4810- Retro Monograms
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#4762- Candlewick Daisy Monograms
#4751- Garden Florette Monograms
#4741- Funky Applique Monograms
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#4725- Merry Berry Monograms - ALL
#4724- Merry Berry Monograms - ABC
#4723- Merry Berry Monograms - DEF
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#4722- Merry Berry Monograms - GHI
#4721- Merry Berry Monograms - JKL
#4720- Merry Berry Monograms - MNO
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#4719- Merry Berry Monograms - PQR
#4718- Merry Berry Monograms - STU
#4717- Merry Berry Monograms - VWX
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#4716- Merry Berry Monograms - YZ
#4670- Curly Monograms - Full Set
#4669- Curly Monograms - ABC
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#4668- Curly Monograms - DEF
#4667- Curly Monograms - GHI
#4666- Curly Monograms - JKL
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#4665- Curly Monograms - MNO
#4664- Curly Monograms - PQR
#4663- Curly Monograms - STU
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#4662- Curly Monograms - VWX
#4661- Curly Monograms - YZ
#4618- Delicate Stems Alphabet
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#4609- Sweetheart Basket and Monograms
#4586- Shimmer Monograms
#4581- Bold Applique Monograms ALL
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#4580- Bold Applique Monograms ABC
#4579- Bold Applique MonogramsDEF
#4578- Bold Applique MonogramsGHI
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#4577- Bold Applique MonogramsJKL
#4576- Bold Applique MonogramsMNO
#4575- Bold Applique MonogramsPQR
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#4574- Bold Applique MonogramsSTU
#4573- Bold Applique MonogramsVWX
#4572- Bold Applique MonogramsYZ
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#4533- Antique Rose Monograms - ALL
#4532- Antique Rose Monograms - ABC
#4531- Antique Rose Monograms - DEF
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#4530- Antique Rose Monograms - GHI
#4529- Antique Rose Monograms - JKL
#4528- Antique Rose Monograms - MNO